欢迎使用中捷售后平台(以下称“本系统”),浙江中捷缝纫科技有限公司(以下简称“我们”)致力于保护和尊重您的隐私。个人信息指与已识别或可识别的自然人有关的任何信息。在您使用本系统的过程中,我们可能会收集和使用您的个人信息。 我们希望通过本隐私政策向您说明,在使用本系统服务时,我们如何收集、使用、存储、分享和转让您的个人信息,以及我们为您提供的访问、更新、删除和保护这些信息的方式。请在使用本系统服务前,务必仔细阅读并了解本隐私政策,在确认充分理解并同意后使用我们的服务。一旦您开始使用本系统服务,即表示您已充分理解并同意本隐私政策,并同意我们按照本隐私政策收集、使用、储存和分享您的相关信息。如对本隐私政策内容有任何疑问、意见或建议,您可通过本隐私政策提供的各种联系方式与我们联系。
中捷深知个人信息对您的重要性,并会尽全力保护您的个人信息安全可靠,我们致力于维持您对我们的信任,恪守以下原则,保护您的个人信息: 权责一致原则、目的一致原则、选择同意原则、最小必要原则、确保安全原则、主体参与原则、公开透明原则等。同时,中捷承诺,我们将按业界成熟的安全标准,采取相应的安全保护措施来保护您的个人信息。
1、我们收集和使用的您的个人信息类型只有一种: 我们产品/服务的核心业务功能所必需的信息:此类信息为产品/服务正常运行的必备信息。如您拒绝提供,您将无法正常使用我们的产品/服务。
3.1 首次打开App
3.1.1 在您首次使用打开App时,我们将在取得您的授权后,接收并记录您所使用的设备相关信息,包括设备属性信息(包括 IMEI、OAID、设备序列号、Android_Id、msa(oaid lib)、mac地址、系统版本、运营商、手机品牌、手机型号、Idfa、idfv、屏幕尺寸、设备版本)、设备连接信息(IP地址、电信运营商、访问日期和时间),以验证用户所使用设备是否是合法设备,进行安全校验 ,以保障您的账户安全;
3.2 绑定微信
3.2.1 在您进行绑定微信操作时,我们需要记录您所使用的设备的OAID,以进行当前登录账号绑定设备的判断操作,只有记录您所使用设备的OAID,才能成功进行设备绑定安全校验,并使用微信公众号消息推送功能。
2、 您的个人信息安全对于我们至关重要。我们将严格遵守相关法律法规,采取业内认可的合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息,防止信息遭到未经授权的访问、披露、使用、修改,避免信息损坏或丢失。
2.1 安全技术措施:我们使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施保护您提供的个人信息,防止数据遭到未经授权的访问、公开披露、使用、修改,防止数据发生损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,保护您的个人信息,例如使用https进行安全数据传输以及使用AES进行敏感数据加密存储。
2.2 管理制度:我们制定了安全管理制度以及妥善的安全事故预警机制和应急预案。我们通过建立访问控制机制,确保只有授权人员才可以访问个人信息;我们不时举办安全和隐私保护培训课程,加强员工对于保护个人信息重要性的认识。
2.3 个人信息安全事件:一旦发生个人信息安全事件,我们将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议和对您的补救措施,并立即启动应急预案,力求将损失最小化。我们将及时将事件相关情况以电话、推送通知等方式告知您。
2.4 安全提示:尽管已经采取了上述合理有效措施,并已经遵守了相关法律法规要求的标准,请您理解,由于技术的限制以及可能存在的各种恶意手段,我们无法始终保证信息百分之百的安全,但我们将竭尽所能提供安全措施保障您提供给我们的个人信息的安全性。
4. 如您离开本系统,前往第三方提供的浏览页面或其他产品/服务,我们将没有能力和直接义务保护您向第三方提交的任何个人信息,无论您登录、浏览或使用上述产品或服务是否基于本系统的链接或引导。但我们会提示您注意将进入第三方产品或服务,以便您更好地保护您的个人信息。
第三方公司名称 | 产品名称/类型 | 共享信息名称 | 使用目的 | 使用场景 | 共享方式 | 第三方个人信息处理规则 |
高德软件有限公司 | 高德开放平台地图 | 地理位置信息 (经纬度、精确位置、粗略位置)[通过IP地址、GNSS信息WiFi状态WiFi参数WiFi列表SSID、BSSID、基站信息、信号强度的信息、蓝牙信息、传感器信息 ((矢量、加速度、压力)、设备信号强度信息获取、外部存储目录]、设备信息 (IMEI、IDFA、IDFV、Android IDMEID、MAC地址、OAID、IMSI、ICCID、硬件序列号)当前应用信息(应用名、应用版本号)、设备参数及系统信息 (系统属性、设备型号、操作系统、运营商信息) | 用于展现地图 | 用于展现地图 | SDK本机采集 | https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/ |
移动安全联盟 | OAID SDK | 设备信息、网络设备硬件地址、网络信息 | 用于提高广告有效触达率、进一步了解用户需求 | 用于广告投放时 | SDK本机采集 | http://www.msa-alliance.cn/col.jsp?id=120 |
每日互动股份有限公司 | 个推 | 设备信息、网络信息、安装列表 | 推送消息 | 为客户端推送消息、如App公告、更新升级推送场景 | SDK本机采集 | http://docs.getui.com/privacy/ |
中移互联网有限公司 | 移动、移动一键实名登录 | 设备信息、网络设备硬件地址、网络信息、麦克风(录音)、相机(摄像头) | 一键登录 | 一键登录、一键实名登录 | SDK本机采集 | https://dev.10086.cn/docInside?contentld=10000009826805 |
中国电信股份有限公司 | 电信 | 网络信息、读取手机状态 | 一键登录 | 一键登录 | SDK本机采集 | http://e.189.cn/legalStatement.jsp |
中国联合网络通信集团有限公司 | 联通 | \ | 一键登录 | 一键登录 | SDK本机采集 | http://m.client.10010.com/mobileService/tuwenhunpai/notice_1527478459203 |
上海游昆信息技术有限公司 | 秒验SDK(MobTech) | 网络运营商、网络信息、手机号码、设备已安装应用列表、设备信息、读取存储(相册、媒体和其他文件)权限 | 一键登录 | 一键登录 | SDK本机采集 | http://www.mob.com/about/policy |
1. 在您使用我们的产品/服务时,我们可能会使用Cookie和同类技术收集您的一些个人信息,包括:您访问网站的习惯、您的浏览信息、您的登录信息。使用Cookie和同类技术收集该类信息是为了您使用我们的产品/服务的必要、简化您重复操作的步骤(如注册、登录)、便于您查看使用历史、保护您的信息和账号安全性、提升我们的产品/服务等。
2. 如果您拒绝我们使用Cookie及同类技术收集和使用您的相关信息,您可在浏览器具备该功能的前提下,通过您的浏览器的设置以管理、(部分/全部)拒绝Cookie与/或同类技术;或删除已经储存在您的计算机、移动设备或其他装置内的Cookie与/或同类技术,从而实现我们无法全部或部分追踪您的个人信息。您如需详细了解如何更改浏览器设置,请具体查看您使用的浏览器的相关设置页面。您理解并知悉:我们的某些产品/服务只能通过使用Cookie或同类技术才可得到实现,如您拒绝使用或删除的,您可能将无法正常使用我们的相关产品/服务或无法通过我们的产品/服务获得最佳的服务体验,同时也可能会对您的信息保护和账号安全性造成一定的影响。
1. 未成年人使用我们的产品/服务前应取得其监护人的同意。如您为未成年人,在使用我们的产品/服务前,应在监护人监护、指导下共同阅读本隐私政策且应在监护人明确同意和指导下使用我们 的产品/服务、提交个人信息。我们根据国家相关法律法规的规定保护未成年人的个人信息,只会在法律法规允许、监护人明确同意或保护您的权益所必要的情况下收集、使用或公开披露未成年人的个人信息。
2. 若您是未成年人的监护人,当您对您所监护的未成年人的个人信息有相关疑问时,您可以通过本隐私政策第九条“联系我们”中公示的联系方式与我们沟通解决。如果我们发现在未事先获得可证实的监护人同意的情况下收集了未成年人的个人信息,则会尽快删除相关数据。
Welcome to ZOJE after-sales platform (hereinafter referred to as "this system"). Zhejiang ZOJE Sewing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Personal information refers to any information related to identified or identifiable natural persons. During your use of this system, we may collect and use your personal information. We hope to explain to you through this privacy policy how we collect, use, store, share, and transfer your personal information when using this system service, as well as the ways we provide you with access, update, delete, and protect this information. Please carefully read and understand this privacy policy before using our system services, and only use our services after confirming full understanding and agreement. Once you start using the services of this system, it means that you fully understand and agree to this privacy policy, and agree that we will collect, use, store, and share your relevant information in accordance with this privacy policy. If you have any questions, opinions or suggestions about the content of this privacy policy, you can contact us through the various contact methods provided in this privacy policy.
This policy will help you understand the following content:
1、How do we collect and use your personal information
2、How do we store your personal information
3、How do we protect your personal information
4、Your right to manage personal information
5、List of Third Party Information Sharing
6、How do we use cookies and similar technologies
7、Protection of information for minors
8、How to contact us
Zoje fully understands the importance of personal information to you and will do its best to protect the security and reliability of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and adhering to the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of consistency of purpose, the principle of consent, the principle of minimum necessity, the principle of ensuring security, the principle of subject participation, and the principle of openness and transparency. Meanwhile, Zoje promises that we will take corresponding security measures to protect your personal information in accordance with mature industry security standards.
1、There is only one type of personal information we collect and use about you: information necessary for the core business functions of our products/services: this type of information is essential for the normal operation of our products/services. If you refuse to provide, you will not be able to use our products/services normally.
2、 Normally, we collect and use your personal information in the following scenarios:
3.1 Opening the App for the First Time
3.1.1 When you first use and open the app, we will receive and record device related information, including device attribute information (including IMEI, OAID, device serial number, Android_ID, MSA (oaid lib), MAC address, system version, operator, phone brand, phone model, Idfa, idfv, screen size, and device version), after obtaining your authorization Device connection information (IP address, telecommunications operator, access date and time) to verify whether the device used by the user is a legitimate device, conduct security verification, and ensure the security of your account;
3.2 Binding WeChat
3.2.1 When you bind WeChat, we need to record the OAID of the device you are using to judge whether the current login account binds to the device. Only by recording the OAID of the device you are using can we successfully verify the security of device binding and use the WeChat official account message push function.
Our app may require access to storage permissions on your device in order to read and write data. We will use storage permissions with your consent to ensure your control over our access to your device's storage. We will only use storage permissions within the scope required to provide services and ensure the security of your data.
1、The personal information we collect and generate within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If it is necessary to transmit relevant personal information collected domestically to overseas institutions for processing cross-border business, we will comply with laws, administrative regulations, and relevant regulatory authorities. We will ensure that your personal information is adequately protected, such as anonymization, encrypted storage, etc.
2、We only store your personal information during the necessary period for the purposes stated in this privacy policy and within the time limit required by laws and regulations.
3、But in the following situations, we may change the storage time of
personal information to comply with legal requirements:
1)To comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant
2)To comply with the provisions of court judgments, rulings, or other
legal proceedings;
3)To comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or
legally authorized organizations;
4)We have reason to believe that we need to comply with relevant laws
and regulations;
5)The use is reasonably necessary for the execution of relevant service
agreements or policies, the maintenance of social public interests, and
the protection of the personal and property safety or other legitimate
rights and interests of our customers, us or our affiliated companies,
other users or employees.
4、If we cease to operate the products or services of this system, we will promptly cease the collection of your personal information, notify you of the cessation of operation in the form of individual deliveries or announcements, and delete or anonymize the personal information we store.
1、We retain your personal information for the shortest period necessary to meet the purpose of our product/service. For example, when you use our registration and login functions, we need to collect your phone number, and after you provide it and during your use of this function, we need to continuously save your phone number to provide you with this function normally and ensure the security of your account and system. In addition, we will keep your relevant information for the necessary period stipulated by relevant laws (such as the Electronic Commerce Law which stipulates that the storage time of goods and services information and transaction information shall not be less than three years from the date of transaction completion).
2、 Your personal information security is crucial to us. We will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations, take reasonable and feasible measures recognized in the industry, protect your personal information, prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, use, and modification of information, and avoid information damage or loss.
2.1 Security Technology Measures: We use security measures that comply with industry standards to protect the personal information you provide, prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, and modification of data, and prevent data damage or loss. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information, such as using HTTPS for secure data transmission and using AES for encrypted storage of sensitive data.
2.2 Management System: We have developed a safety management system, as well as a proper safety accident warning mechanism and emergency plan. We ensure that only authorized personnel can access personal information by establishing access control mechanisms; We regularly hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.
2.3 Personal Information Security Incident: Once a personal information security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you of the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for risk prevention and reduction that you can take independently, and remedial measures for you in accordance with laws and regulations. We will also immediately activate emergency plans to minimize losses. We will promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the event through phone calls, push notifications, and other means.
2.4 Security Reminder: Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technological limitations and possible malicious means, we cannot always guarantee 100% security of information. However, we will do our best to provide security measures to ensure the security of the personal information you provide us.
3.You are aware and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may encounter security issues beyond our control. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you take proactive measures to protect the security of personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, regularly changing passwords, and not disclosing your account passwords and related personal information to others.
4. If you leave this system and go to the browsing page or other products/services provided by a third party, we will have no ability or direct obligation to protect any personal information you submit to the third party, regardless of whether you log in, browse or use the above products or services based on the connection or guidance of this system. But we will remind you to be aware of entering third-party products or services so that you can better protect your personal information.
We understand your concern for personal information and make every effort to ensure your right to access, correct, delete, and revoke authorization for your personal information, so that you have sufficient ability to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:
1. Account information: You can log in to your personal center at any time to access the personal information in your account, including: avatar, nickname, etc;
2. Usage information: You can check your game service usage information at any time through the relevant product pages;;
3. Other information: If you encounter operational problems during the access process and need to access other personal information that cannot be obtained as mentioned above, you can contact us through the methods provided in this privacy policy.
When you discover errors in the personal information collected and stored, you have the right to request us to make corrections.
Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. For the collection and use of additional personal information, you can give or revoke your authorization at any time.
When the following situations occur, you have the right to request the system to delete your personal information:
(1) We have collected your personal information without seeking your explicit consent.
(2) We have violated legal and regulatory requirements when processing your personal information.
(3) We have violated our agreement with you to use and process your personal information.
(4) You have logged out of our system account for our products (or services).
(5) We will stop providing services to you.
1. When you use our products/services, we may use cookies and similar technologies to collect some of your personal information, including your website visiting habits, your browsing information, and your login information. The use of cookies and similar technologies to collect such information is necessary for your use of our products/services, to simplify the steps of repeated operations (such as registration and login), to facilitate your viewing of usage history, to protect your information and account security, and to enhance our products/services.
2. If you refuse us to use cookies and similar technologies to collect and use your relevant information, you can manage and (partially/completely) reject cookies and/or similar technologies through the settings of your browser, provided that your browser has this function; Or delete cookies and/or similar technologies already stored on your computer, mobile device, or other device, so that we cannot track all or part of your personal information. If you need detailed information on how to change browser settings, please refer to the relevant settings page of the browser you are using. You understand and are aware that certain of our products/services can only be implemented through the use of cookies or similar technologies. If you refuse to use or delete them, you may not be able to use our related products/services properly or obtain the best service experience through our products/services. At the same time, it may also have a certain impact on your information protection and account security.
1. Minors should obtain the consent of their guardians before using our products/services. If you are a minor, before using our products/services, you should read this privacy policy together under the supervision and guidance of your guardian, and use our products/services and submit personal information with the explicit consent and guidance of your guardian. We protect the personal information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations, and will only comply with the law.